This origin of this game comes from the anime, Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor. Kaiji is a Japanese anime television series, based on Gambling Apocalypse: Kaiji, the first part of the manga series Kaiji, written and illustrated by Nobuyuki Fukumoto. Produced by Nippon Television, D.N. Dream Partners, VAP and Madhouse, the series was directed by Yuzo Sato, with Hideo Takayashiki handling series composition, Haruhito Takada designing the characters and Hideki Taniuchi composing the music. The story centers on Kaiji Itō, an impoverished young man, and his misadventures around gambling. **I am not the original creator of this game.
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The game may be far from an identical match to the one found in anime which was done for the sake of simplifying user experience.
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